putting eyes on a line, then you basically have a linelob - one of these simple illustrations and short gif-animations of funny, silly and cute characters. welcome to the linelob family with doggylobs, boxylobs, spiddylobs and more silly creatures

linelobs: acrylic handpaintings on canvas for sale editorial illustration brothers grimm - the pack of raggamuffins illustration hippo in water with a rotten tooth illustration and animation: spider (spiddylob) animation: evolution of an elephant fantylob with hot chocolate animation: moscito animation, illustration lizard, fire salamander illustration of spiders and caterpillar in a poster design


this joyful brand was born in 2023 and is created by heike siegel. that's me: an illustrator and graphic designer based near düsseldorf, germany.

if you want to collaborate and work with linelobs or better with me, please feel free to get in touch.


naive illustration rhinoceros (rhinylob) illustration elephant (fantylob) naive illustration puppy (puppylob) logotype linelob family profile picture of @linelob_family naive illustration alpaca (alpacylob) naive illustration dino (dinolob) naive illustration giraffe (raffylob) naive illustration kangaroo (kangylob) acrylic painting of a Linelob on canvas acrylic painting of a Linelob on canvas acrylic painting of a Linelob on canvas pictures in frames jellyfish and rabbit illustration of different bugs

©2025 by heike siegel-schatzinger . instagram . imprint . deutsch